
Showing posts from April, 2018

"It was the fastest entertainment property to ever gross $1b, which it managed in its first three days of release in September."


"The game has, however, attracted almost unanimous critical acclaim, including three awards at this year's video game Baftas."


What were they saying "about video games"?


Nice house. The house has five bedrooms and eight bathrooms, according to that article; are those for the Nights of Multiple Models, from which Leonardo DiCaprio emerges unstigmatized, decade after decade?   Captions for some of the videos embedded in the article are: -"Leonardo DiCaprio promotes the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation" -"Leonardo DiCaprio seen leaving private party at The Spotted Pig" -"Two models, One night:  Leonardo DiCaprio has hands full in NYC"

I'm sorry, Mayor de Blasio, that's not right, either. Everyone who reports misconduct deserves to have his or her report taken seriously and to be treated with empathy.   There should then be a fair and impartial investigation and a fair and impartial conclusion.    

Hillary Clinton, "a wounded doe"?

You're talk about the Hillary Clinton who ran for President, aren't you?

No code.

The mean-spirited, relentless ridicule of President Trump is an irresponsible abuse of free speech and of freedom of the press.

It is enough that he's being investigated, that he's being sued, and that some of his decisions are being challenged in court. The international free press has inadvertently made an indelible, and stupid, case for state-controlled media since the election. It's not the cause of democracy that is advancing with alacrity; governments which don't have free presses are gaining purchase on the world.  Everyone else on the planet is foundering in argument, confusion, fragmentation and, honestly, fear.  We're not even losing a fight; they're winning by default.

There is no "Trump Whisperer."

It is a derogatory term that ought to be stopped. I am for the environment.  My guess is that all of the technology already exists to convert the world to sustainable energy, and the reason that the conversion hasn't occurred is that there's nowhere near as much money to be made from sustainable energy as from fossil fuels. However, it also seems to me that Europe has its own "dirty fuel" problem, which the American media seems loathe to discuss in its mania to destroy the U.S. President. Nobody needs Russian propaganda; the American media is all anyone needs to undermine all positive cooperation that could result from pressuring Europe to take responsibility for enabling Russian aggression.

I didn't have a lot of time to write last night.

I was mostly writing at a computer somewhere that was about to close.  I am not using my phone a lot; for me to use my phone or even have it is an impetus for the conglomerate to invade my privacy and abuse me.   This morning, I tried to correct the factual errors that I published last night.  

While the conglomerate never stops victim-blaming me for being criminally victimized by voyeurism in my destitute inability to hire a lawyer $50,000 bail and up to 5 years in prison, for hacking and distributing nude pictures that were consensually photographed, even though their subjects didn't intend for the pictures to be public.   His punishment isn't wrong. The HYPOCRISY which treats my perpetual victimization as if it is funny is wrong.  

"The Hunger Games" movies are based on books.

That's why the finished products of the movies imply that coherent scripts were part of their process.   

About half a year before I was called a liar, treated as if I were a criminal, and suspended from school for reporting being harassed for the third semester in a row of my attendance I wrote the paper being discussed in those videos while I was homeless in 2016.  It was much more difficult for me to write that paper than to do the homework for my other classes, because I didn't need a computer for those classes.  I did have a tablet, but it didn't work.   When I tried to use the computers at the school's library and computer labs, I was harassed.  I also had the time constraints of being homeless; although my curfew was extended to 10:00 p.m., I still had to schedule my entire life around the shelter's schedule, which is what everyone who is homeless has to do for everything.  My extended curfew also didn't mean that I could sleep past 6:00 a.m., Sunday-Saturday.   I finished that paper and sent it electronically, right before the school's library was about to close and at the deadline for when the paper was due.  I did not have time to proofread it before sending it.  ...

With few exceptions, the entertainment industry is a wasteland of crassness and stupidity.

No code.

Disgusting Hollywood

Don't worry, White Lady. I couldn't sleep at night if I thought that you might not have everything that you want.

"It never happened," says Sarah Jessica Parker. Of course it did, and she's trying to act as if it didn't. 

Cynthia Nixon's artificially supported race for Governor of New York continues.

It's very difficult for qualified women who have integrity to advance in politics.  That's why someone who made her fortune and gained name recognition from a show that was ostensibly about female empowerment and was really about privileged white women being as gross as chauvinist men is able to run for Governor, despite the sickening hypocrisy of how her industry and the media and most of the world's power structure have treated me and EVERYONE AROUND ME.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is teaming up with Cyndi Lauper.

Obviously, it's no problem for him that her Twitter profile shows her in a bra. This, while there's nothing stopping or even slowing my being slut-shamed for BEING CRIMINALLY VICTIMIZED YEAR AFTER YEAR! "Every person is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect," he says at that Tweet. These people are SUCH HYPOCRITES! I don't choose the addresses of videos or anything else published on the Internet.

Katy Perry is an evil and disgusting person who shouldn't be able to step on the bodies of nuns whom she has killed with stress so she can luxuriate in a former convent.

No code.

Is this accurate to say?

People in other countries who protest, fight and die for what are supposedly American values of freedom and democracy can expect to be tortured and murdered while the United States and its allies do nothing unless they're tortured and murdered "the wrong way."   If that's accurate, then the United States is not the United States anymore.  We're just another brand.   Doesn't that also mean that the American military is nothing other than a tool that is used around the world at the behest of the richest lobbyists?  A tool made of people.  

Gossip magazines

I would appreciate it if gossip magazines would stop hacking my phone and using me to fabricate stories about celebrities.   You are so uninterested in telling the truth that you could use websites about writing fiction to think of things to say; you don't have to turn my life into more of a freakshow so you can make money.  

I don't want to be famous, and I don't want to be abused.

The only horrible thing that my proximity to fame hasn't wrought upon my life is being surrounded by photographers who physically gather around me and follow me.  It seems as if there is always at least one person who follows me at a distance with a camera, because of the references by the media or famous people at social media to those invasions of my privacy, but I never see photographers in person.   However, I DON'T KNOW HOW OR WHY SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SOUGHT TO NORMALIZE VOYEURISM AND INVOLUNTARY PORNOGRAPHY IN SHOWERS AND BATHROOMS!  I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW, WHEN THERE IS SO MUCH LITERATURE AND DISCUSSION ABOUT HOW ABUSE IS NOT THE VICTIM'S FAULT, THE CONGLOMERATE ACTS AS IF THE BURDEN OF PROVING THAT I DON'T DESERVE IT AND AM NOT ASKING FOR IT IS ON ME, EVEN AFTER I HAVE ALREADY LOST TWO APARTMENTS IN A ROW AND WAS KICKED OUT OF THE YMCA A FEW YEARS AGO FOR OBJECTING TO BEING CRIMINALLY VICTIMIZED!   ALSO, HOW MANY UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE AROUND ME ARE GOING TO BE ...

Yes, that's because their search results don't look like this. The websites that host the hate blogs about me refuse to remove them from the Internet; I asked them several times, and they won't do it.   Employers do one search of my name and run screaming as far away as they can.   My search results are also how people think of ways to harass me or otherwise abuse me and then tell authorities that I'm crazy and made the entire thing up.  "Look, she says that about everyone," which I don't.   I don't have to be living in a homeless shelter, trying not to lose my temper (which is difficult for a lot of people) while being condescended to at the welfare offices.  I could have married a stupid celebrity, but I didn...

Social Security

Since I started trying to work in October 2017, almost every Social Security employee to whom I have spoken, at two separate offices, has treated me miserably. They're rude.  They're condescending.  They don't listen to or read the information that I try to give them.  Not only has almost everyone at both offices treated me as if I'm a bad person for working and for reporting my income, the first office transcribed my information inaccurately, and now I'm having to spend weeks trying to fix their mistakes, while almost everyone at the second office where I'm doing that is also rude and condescending.   Forget about anyone saying "Good for you that you're trying to work.  Thank you for reporting your income.  I hope you can achieve your goal of independence from welfare soon."  Their customer service is so far away from that type of thought that I don't think it has even occurred to them, and nobody at all has apologized for having inaccurately ...


I HATE MY LIFE ANYWAY, AND YOU'RE PROBABLY BORED SINCE HAVING SUPPRESSED A REBELLION BY ARRESTING AND/OR KILLING THE IRANIAN CITIZENS WHO PROTESTED YOUR DESPOTISM! What do I have to lose? You can pick up the gun to do me in with pretty much anywhere in the U.S.; why the hell not?  



People who have canes, walkers and wheelchairs SHOULDN'T BE LIVING IN HOMELESS SHELTERS!

Mr. Biden

Don't hack my phone. Don't allow people who work for you to hack my phone.  

There has to be someone other than Joe Biden who can be the next Democratic Presidential candidate.

I have written before about the need to stop rape kits from languishing, untested.

I have no dispute with Mariska Hargitay's movie, "I Am Evidence," although I probably won't see it, since I don't have HBO. However, I have never understood why Ms. Hargitay agreed to be in Taylor Swift's video for the song "Bad Blood," in which Taylor Swift's character was named as a revenge joke about the suicide of my paternal grandmother.   I also don't know why neither Ms. Hargitay nor anyone else from "Law & Order" has done anything to stop the voyeurism and involuntary pornography that the Obama administration turned into an epidemic.  

Why is it that Taylor Swift has promoted the perpetuation of crime against OTHER PEOPLE for 8 years? When I call the police about stalkers, the police call paramedics, to force me to go to emergency rooms for psychiatric evaluations.  I have had hundreds, if not thousands, of stalkers since the conglomerate began to slut-shame and persecute me in 2010.  Taylor Swift is one of the many people who thinks that's funny.  

People can't recover from major surgery when they are homeless.

It is sickening how many people have to try to do that. It's even more sickening that people are being criminally victimized by voyeurism in the restrooms and showers of homeless shelters and hospitals.  

I had about 5 hours of sleep last night.

There were a few snorers, and a cougher, in my section of the dormitory at the homeless shelter.   This June, I will start my 6th year of homelessness since 2011.   I don't want to be rescued from my bad situation.  I want my bad situation to stop being caused, so that my work toward establishing an independent life stops being disrupted by criminal abuse and by my being retaliated against for reporting that abuse.  I don't have a problem with being poor.  I have never prioritized money, and I have no reason to be ashamed of my poverty.  I have a problem with wealthy people who use their money to hurt other people, or to promote crimes from which their wealth protects them.

No code.

"Never Again," again and again and again

What does Mr. Assad have for meals while those whose lives he has destroyed are starving or dead from starvation?

Why? Because he won a Pulitzer for talking, in public, for profit, about "p----"? Is someone suggesting that a black man talking about "p----" is less disrespectful than a white man talking about "p----"? No.  What they're all saying is "WE DON'T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT WOMEN, AND WE CONTROL EVERYONE'S PERCEPTION OF REALITY, SO WE CAN ACT AS IF THIS ALBUM WINNING A PULITZER IS ADVANCEMENT FOR CIVIL RIGHTS WITHOUT BEING CONCERNED ABOUT BEING CALLED HYPOCRITES BY ANYONE OTHER THAN LENA, THE INFAMOUS P----."  

My thoughts about other issues that I have discussed haven't changed.

Human rights are being threatened around the world, including in the United States. I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube.  

Chemical weapons aren't the only problem.

The problem is the mentality that wants to use them.   If every mechanized weapon were taken from Mr. Assad, it wouldn't prevent him from hurting people for no reason.  

No code.

I had a migraine last night.

The fluorescent lights aren't turned off in the dormitories at the shelter until 8:30 p.m., so even though I was lying on my bunk bed with the sheet over my head at around 8:00 p.m., after barfing a couple of times, there was nothing I could do to block the light.  There is also nothing that anyone can do about the noise of living with 100 people.  It didn't help that dinner at the shelter was a hot dog with chili and cheese.  Do not eat a hot dog with chili and cheese when you have a migraine, even if you are starving.  I don't tend to like them even when I'm not sick, and they're not better the second time. The clean sweatshirt that I was going to wear for the rest of this week was splattered with vomit.  

I'm not saying that nobody should be a rapper.

I'm saying that the Pulitzer people made a bad decision.  

Selective interpretation

Who, from among all of the people who have legally and illegally observed the music to which I have listened since 2010 (and probably for years before that), thinks that he or she can honestly call me a music snob?  

It's not snobby to say that it's sad that people who care about education are consistently slighted in the 21st century.

"A rapper--a rapper!--named Kendrick Lamar was placed on a pedestal as the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize in music, joining geniuses of American composition Aaron Copland, George Crumb, Elliott Carter and dozens of other classically trained artists.  Lamar, 30, did so without studying in a conservatory, mastering an acoustic instrument--other than his vocal cords--or composing a single opera." It is particularly sad that this award was misdirected at a time when teachers all over the country are protesting their dilapidated teaching facilities, their insulting salaries, and the necessity of having to pay from those low salaries to have supplies for their classrooms. The award sends the message to consumers of rap and other popular music that education is even less valuable than the entertainment industry and decades of government neglect of public schools were already telling ...

It is laughable how many white people are acting as if a white person objecting to this album winning a Pulitzer is racist.

This is my fifth year of homelessness in the Boston area. There are black people and white people at every homeless shelter. There are also black people and white people working at every homeless shelter. A black person or a white person who talks for several minutes the way that Kendrick Lamar raps for his album will be asked to stop swearing.  If he or she doesn't, he or she will be asked to leave the shelter.  Black or white staff will tell black or white homeless guests not to be obscene; that's true now, and it was true even in 2011 and during the years when coughing harassment of me and others in shelters was at its worst.   It's not a low opinion of black people  from me that is prompting my criticism of the album being given a Pulitzer; a low opinion of black people by the Pulitzer committee was what won the album that award.  

Awarding a Pulitzer Prize to Kendrick Lamar's album, "DAMN," was a move to reinforce the status quo.

It has nothing to do with recognizing or supporting black culture or black people. It's a reward for these things: -black people treating white culture as if it is superior, as if achieving the status symbols of white culture is not only an achievement but is the ultimate achievement for black people who, the underlying assumption is, have created nothing, and could create nothing, from their own culture that is equivalent  -every racist stereotype about black men -every racist stereotype about black women:  the saintly mother, the girlfriend who spends her time worrying about whether her boyfriend can be faithful rather than dating someone about whom she doesn't have to worry, and, of course, "hoes."

Grotesque, Pulitzer-Prize-winning lyrics

DNA Kendrick Lamar "I got, I got, I got, I got Loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA Cocaine quarter piece, got war and peace inside my DNA..." I don't contemplate, I meditate, then off your fucking head This that put-the-kids-to-bed This that I got, I got, I got, I got Realness, I just kill shit 'cause it's in my DNA..." "I just win again, then win again like  Wimbledon, I serve Yeah, that's him again, the sound that engine in is like a bird You see fireworks and Corvette tire skrrt the boulevard..." __________ Yah "Keep the family close, get money, fuck bitches..." "But it's money to get, bitches to hit, yah..." ____________ ELEMENT "If I gotta slap a pussy-ass nigga, I'ma make it look sexy If I gotta go hard on a bitch, I'ma make it look sexy..." "100k spread 'cross the floor, 'cross the floor, yeah None of ya'll fuckin' with the flow yeah, the flow yeah Years in the makin', and ...

"This report also points to the failure of the international community to stop these violations."


Thanks so much. Amal Clooney's husband was hitting on me while I was being thrown out of my last apartment for objecting to being criminally victimized by voyeurism.  Maybe that's why she was part of everyone who knew that I was telling the truth and who didn't tell anyone who could have stopped my having to be HOMELESS FOR THE FIFTH YEAR SINCE 2011.  

No code.

"The main conclusion was that atomic warfare and international humanitarian law are mutually exclusive."


Speaking of rape and hazing at black colleges, which you weren't

I don't want to be famous, and I don't want to be abused.

Kristen Emack is a child pornographer.

It is sickening that her pictures of her daughter are part of the New England Regional Showcase's segment of "The Fence," and that the exhibition is actually on a fence across the street from the Pine Street Inn.   How many sex offenders does Ms. Emack think live a few yards away from where her pictures of her daughter are?  One?  Two?  Wouldn't one or two be too many?  THERE ARE A LOT MORE THAN THAT, AND THEY KNOW HOW TO USE THE INTERNET TO FIND HER KID!   There are child molesters who feel bad about their attraction to children.  That probably doesn't characterize every child molester who lives at the Pine Street Inn, or at the Woods-Mullen shelter that is less than a 20-minute walk from the Pine Street Inn, but there's no reason to have sexualized pictures of children anywhere, let alone placed in the path of convicted sex offenders.   Apparently, her pictures of her child in the bathtub and her child, topless and in shorts, back arched over a ...

Does Pope Francis know that Katy Perry called her dog "Nugget" as a joke about the criminal, voyeuristic victimization of impoverished people?

Ms. Perry has even been paid to do commercials with her dog; more jokes about voyeurism and involuntary pornography. Does the Church not care?  Will Nugget soon be romping around the former convent, unaware of being a joke about abuse by her sadistic, celebrity owner? June 1, 2018, will be the end of my fifth year of homelessness since 2011, and the beginning of my sixth year.  She still thinks her joke is funny.  

The crisis in Venezuela isn't over.

President Trump Denuclearization is a great idea.  Thank you.  

Misogyny, stupidity, racism, all masquerading as liberal progressiveness; there's no end of things to be angry about first thing in the morning.

-Google's subtitle at its first page today is "Explore iconic locations in 3D."  I don't think that anyone who is being criminally victimized by voyeurism is going to care how much the people who are committing these crimes try to excuse them as being flattering.  I can't publish a picture of Google's Leering Joke of the Day; my phone was disabled from publishing pictures for my blog weeks ago, when I was writing about why Joe Biden shouldn't be President. -The media is demonstrating its power to create success stories for people who aren't qualified to run for office. Even if Cynthia Nixon doesn't gain the Democratic candidacy to be the Governor of New York, her failure will be ...

No code.

Might Cynthia Nixon's whopping 16-point increase have something to do with her Tweeting about wanting to legalize recreational marijuana?

I am not unidealistic about voters, but I also worked in a pharmacy for 2 1/2 years.  There is nobody so glued to the phone as a drug addict; it is incredible how mellow people aren't when they're calling a pharmacy every few minutes to ask if their doctors have authorized early refills for addictive substances. I would not be surprised if people who have never voted for anything before, and who will never vote for anything again, are the people who are voting to legalize recreational marijuana. Spend 24 hours in homeless shelters.  You will never think that drugs are harmless, glamorous or funny again. I have said this before; irritation is perhaps not the right word for me to use to describe my feelings about privileged people, who have access to the most pleasant and respectful rehabilitation and psychiatric facilities and who don't know anyone else who has ever had a drug problem who hasn't had access to those same facilities, advocating for recreational drug ...

"The Russian military police were heavily involved. They were directing things".

“There has been a very heavy security presence on the ground ever since the attack and they have been targeting doctors and medics in a very straightforward way,” said Tayara, a Birmingham-based physician, now in Turkey where he is supervising the departure from Syria of some of the Douma medics. “Any medic who tried to leave Douma was searched so vigorously, especially for samples. At one medical point, seven casualties were taken away. The Russian military police were heavily involved. They were directing things. “They were looking through their WhatsApp messages and phones. The doctors were treated abusively and have been threatened ever since. Their families have been threatened that they will pay a price and they themselves have told they will be arrested, and much more if they give any evidence, or interviews about what happened in Douma.” _________________...


Abu Walid, a survivor of the attack, whose pregnant wife and only son died, said: “I saw my son coughing. I told him pull it together and run up the stairs. I grabbed my wife and ran after him. Next thing I recall was someone opening and closing my eyelids and dousing me with water. For five hours I lost consciousness, and had no idea where I was. They told me a chemical attack took place, they told me I lost my wife and son and everybody else was martyred. I told them I wish you didn’t rescue me.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ Maybe the man who agreed to have his name printed for that Guardian article wants to die; is that why he didn't care if he were anonymous?  Is he already in jail for having told the Guardian what happened?  Is he being tortured?  Is he going to die? Maybe the Guardian shouldn't ...



I am declaring today to be Celebrities Stop Saying That They're Victims Day.

The Women's Center in Cambridge is falling apart.

The house is 145 years old and needs major renovations.  It needs so many repairs, appliances and other resources that it would take months to inventory and report them all.   Although the Center is not specifically for homeless women, because it is free, many poor and homeless women spend most of their time there.  The staff are almost all volunteers and interns; they are paid nothing for monitoring the house and for dealing with the issues which inevitably occur whenever several people have to co-occupy space for most of every week.  The hours of the Center, from 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday-Friday, and from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, give much more time for people than either On The Rise or The Women's Lunch Place.  The latter organizations have gobs of money from contributions and funding.  Although On The Rise and The Women's Lunch Place say that they provide support to poor and homeless women, and that this support is their primary mission, I can tell you tha...

Mr. Lamar

I can't stop you from calling other black people the n-word.  I know that many black people have tried to have that word removed from black culture and they have epically failed.  I also know that the word has many connotations and inflections in black culture, from the most pejorative to the humorously affectionate.  It is not my battle to define. However, DON'T CALL ME A HONKY, AND DON'T RHAPSODIZE ABOUT MY P----.  

It's shameful that a Pulitzer Prize was given to the album "Damn."

Misogyny.  Violence.  Moneylust.  Excessive profanity.   It is an award that was motivated by racism; the racism that says this is the best that black people can do, that this is not only an acceptable version of black adulthood, but an admirable version of black adulthood. Unquestionably, thousands, even millions, of young people will be impressed by the award.  They will model their social perceptions from the album that won it; those who have musical ambition will copy it. The award is also an unconscionable setback for the music industry, which is lagging for representation in the MeToo movement.  The award reinforces the status quo of male dominance over women.  Every man from the music industry who was even thinking about whether or not to respect the MeToo movement will cast that thought aside; every woman who was trying to support the movement will be frightened, and every woman who either hasn't cared, has stupidly defended the industry's laug...

Why can't the legislative groups meet with their executive partners now and decide what to do about Syria? I think that Syria is a situation in which the criticism of bypassing process should have been secondary to the condemnation of the events there, and suddenly it wasn't.   Sometimes, you have to take action.  If the process to take that action had been initiated months or years ago, then nobody who is against the Assad regime would be out of step.  Instead, the years of dithering have allowed Assad and his allies to proceed in the midst of everyone else's arguments about what to do.   I know this will be a news flash for everyone:   Assad and his allies aren't dithering.  They are focussed on their bad goals, and they are winning.  

Shut up.

Not for me, they're not. What kind of crumbs do multimillionaires and billionaires drop?  Enough to give most mice a weight problem, I think.   Considering the wealth of the corrupt company that I have kept for almost a decade, I am definitely on the Slimfast Crumb diet.  Not that wealth is or was my motivation for anything, which really ought to be obvious to everyone.  Personally, I have quite lost track of all of the wealthy people who have offered to "keep" me over the years, all of whom I have rejected.  

No code.

I'm not interested in being told by other people when it is that I'm supposed to tell the President of the United States that I'm angry.

I'm angry today:  at him, at Congress, at all of the people who are helping Mr. Assad, at everyone in the world who could have stopped that war years ago and who was too cowardly or too greedy to do it. President Trump is going to meet with Mr. Assad next year or the year after?  Will Mr. Assad be invited to the White House?  Will the leaders of other countries have Mr. Assad to their homes, plan the dinners and the entertainment?   How do you sit in a room with someone who is a war criminal of this magnitude?  How do you do business with someone like him?   For how many of the next several hundred years will the United States argue with its allies about what to do with all of the refugees?  

Assad and Trump, sittin' in a tree...

There's no hour of a day when I don't think about killing myself, when I don't wish that I were never born.

The entertainment industry needs EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS.

Justin Bieber seems to be another young celebrity who is destined to die by passing out with his head in a toilet. What's worse about this type of celebrity, as opposed to his counterpart of yesteryear, is that he is a celebrity spokesperson for a loathsome and pernicious type of fake Christianity. His ridiculous, ignorant, HYPOCRITICAL proselytizing rakes in money and followers for his evangelical associations. Since he also takes famous women to his church for dates and then dumps them there, it is impossible to say whether he is his church's prostitute or its pimp. It was a cursed day when Scooter Braun, one of the many people from the entertainment industry who succeed by having as little integrity as possible, discovered the 12-year-old Justin Bieber at YouTu...

What am I talking about? Why wouldn't the Catholic Church want to sell a convent to Katy Perry? SHE'S ALL ABOUT CHRISTIAN "INNOVATION!",uid_McXUWqXzIeqYtgXY8bfACA_1:-8,uid_McXUWqXzIeqYtgXY8bfACA_1:-10,uid_McXUWqXzIeqYtgXY8bfACA_1:-1,uid_McXUWqXzIeqYtgXY8bfACA_1:0 I don't know why people are shocked that Ms. Perry is winning that case; there are few things that money can't buy.  

Is Katy Perry's money going to succeed at buying the convent that a nun died defending? If so, maybe she'll have a cherry theme for her decorating, in what she considers to be the honor of all the nuns who lived there. Maybe she'll do an interview for "V" magazine at her new home. Maybe she'll Tweet thigh pictures: Maybe she'll promote voyeurism and involuntary pornography: There's really no end to Katy Perry's obsession with sex and bullying: https...

Human zoos


Evil has won.

Sometimes I think that the voyeurism and involuntary pornography that are happening to me and to EVERYONE AROUND ME, AGAIN, SICKENINGLY, can't continue forever, that there has to be someone who will put a stop to it. Then I think about the Syrian situation, and that's when I know that evil has won, because that situation is not only possible in 2018, it is the reality. It might take a few more decades for evil to enslave everyone and everything on the planet, but that is the direction that humanity has taken.  

No code.



RIGHT, JUSTIN BIEBER THE HERO! Today, the Internet has story after story about how Justin Bieber hit someone who was attacking a woman. I guess that means he feels justified being a pig about everything else.  He's a pig.  They're all PIGS.   LEAVE ME ALONE, JUSTIN BIEBER!  I DON'T WANT TO BE A PART OF YOUR LIFE!  JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!   YOU'RE NOT FUNNY!  YOU'RE A SPOILED BRAT AND A JERK!  

A broken record talking to a broken world

That's how I feel. You can't sexually harass people. You can't stalk people. You can't have sex with children.   You can't stone people to death. You can't arrest people on false charges and execute them. You can't film people in showers, restrooms, locker rooms, homeless shelters, psychiatric units, gyms, their own homes, or anywhere else that they have the reasonable expectation of privacy.   You can't hack people's phones, computers, email, bank accounts, or anything else, without a warrant. Employing the true definitions of words, in their normal contexts, is not code.  



What I had of life in 2010 was destroyed by a President who is a DEMOCRAT.  

"Chaotic, disappointing, embarrassing and dangerous" are adjectives that perfectly describe everything about the Obama years that those who want to profit from their association with him don't admit.

One act of hate? What do you call a global campaign to promote human rights abuses about which you, as the Vice President to the President who enabled it all, did nothing? _________________________________________________________________________________ Talk about "watch."  On your watch; on Hillary Clinton's watch: ______________________ 2014: From December through May, the state Department of Children and Families filed nearly 2,000 court petitions to gain custody of children they determined to be at risk of abuse or neglect, a 52 percent increase from the previous year, according to court statistics. Last month, the agency filed 365 such petitions, a 70 percent jump from May 2013.

The neverending greed of Mayor Martin Walsh

No code.

I wish that there didn't have to be additional injuries and deaths, even for people who are fighting to help Mr. Assad maintain power that he has proven he doesn't deserve.

I wish that he would resign.   If he never uses another chemical weapon, he'll think of other ways to be a tyrant. If he were to spend the rest of his life being a good person, it would not balance the atrocities that he has already inflicted.   He has destroyed his own country.  What has happened in Syria is genocide.   2016:

No code.

Syrian children who have known nothing other than war

President Trump As angry as I am about everything that Mr. Obama did and didn't do when he was President, and meaning no disrespect to you, I think that maybe you should leave the writing of the angry contrasts to me and to other angry people who aren't the President. If you can end the conflict in Syria, have Mr. Assad removed, and give the country back to the Syrians so all the refugees can go home, I think those should be the goals.   THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT THE UNITED STATES SHOULDN'T BE THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT FINANCES OR RISKS MILITARY LIVES FOR THOSE GOALS!  THE GOVERNMENTS OF OTHER COUNTRIES SHOULD STOP USING OUR STUPID MEDIA AS THEIR EXCUSE BOTH TO AVOID THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES AND TO BLAME YOU FOR NOT SOLVING ALL OF SYRIA'S PROBLEMS!   THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING; SAVING MONEY AND THEIR OWN DOMESTIC CAREERS AT THE EXPENSE OF DEMOCRACY AND PEACE!  


Suicide or showering?

What would you do?   My other option is to try to tell the police and have them tell me that I'm crazy, or have them fail to locate the cameras, the way that the police from the police department THAT IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MIT did.   If the police department, not the MIT police department but the police department for the city of Cambridge, right in the middle of the world's most famous INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, did not find the hidden, illegal cameras in my last apartment, then how miserably is law enforcement in the rest of the United States failing to prevent, stop and prosecute this crime?   If I tell the Boston police, and they don't locate the cameras where I think they are now, I'll be told to leave all of the facilities where the voyeurism and involuntary pornography are happening again.  I won't have those resources, which I need, because I AM HOMELESS. Day after day and week after week, people who know that this is happening say nothing, other than to blame m...

It was so weird to realize that, even though everyone who's part of the conglomerate looks like a human being, I am living in a real-life Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Who says Batman can't multi-task? What actor, these days, doesn't do some humanitarian publicity stunts while filming movies promoting voyeurism and involuntary pornography?   ___________________________________ You mean the tattoo wasn't fake?  That was another lie? I was reading the Harry Potter "Order of the Phoenix" book before he had that tattoo plastered onto his delusional, adulterous, lying body.  That's why his wife and his ex-girlfriend hated it, although Jennifer Lopez was a lot more jealous of me before people started making fun of him.  Around the time when he was winning awards for Argo, I don't know if she could sleep at night, she was so consumed by jealousy.   Jennifer Garner is the sort of passive-aggressive, nicey-nice, evil woman about whom I always thought, when I was young, that there was som...

Is this April 4, 2018 Tweet from Cynthia Nixon victim-blaming me? I don't know why someone who does not correct people who call her a feminist icon thinks that she can promote the idea that women who are beautiful are asking to be sexually assaulted and that women who are not beautiful lie about being sexually assaulted for attention.   I HAVE PUBLISHED THOUSANDS OF PAGES AND VIDEOS, FOR YEARS, PROTESTING AGAINST BEING CRIMINALLY VICTIMIZED BY VOYEURISM AND INVOLUNTARY PORNOGRAPHY.  THIS IS ONE OF THEM: I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube, even when I publish them.  

Cynthia Nixon's celebrity birthday party.

Miranda is groped.

This is treated, by the show, as if it is therapeutic. In this scene, the show treats Miranda as if she is too educated to: -know her own bra size -say who can and can't look at and touch her breasts -know what her feelings are about her mother's death -have a normal grieving process without her privacy being invaded "Miranda" was Cynthia Nixon's role 

Carrie lectures her ex-boyfriend's friends about emotional sensitivity. "Carrie" was Sarah Jessica Parker's role in "Sex and the City."  

While Cynthia Nixon and her celebrity friends are chanting about bringing down the privileged, wealthy, male patriarchy, will they have a lot of public discussions about Sarah Jessica Parker's husband having killed two people in 1987, for which he was fined less than $200 and had no criminal consequences?

It's good that I made a copy of this page.  All of it was erased when I tried to publish it.  I have had to add the copy and publish it again.    ___________________________________ Apparently, he did a television interview, years ago, in which he said that he felt bad about it.   That's more than anyone who has participated in the conglomerate's 8 years of the promotion of human rights abuses has done; maybe that's why Ms. Parker felt that my having mentioned those deaths a few years ago, in the middle of the conglomerate's neverending rumormongering about me, rumormongering which the conglomerate has used to excuse its criminal abuses of me and EVERYONE AROUND ME, was  unfair.   Sarah Jessica Parker, cover of Harper's Bazaar, October, 2015:

This picture was a joke about me, wasn't it?

This is another page from which what I wrote vanished from the page when I tried to publish it.   I have to write it all again.  I am outside, in the cold.  I can pay more money, to buy something and be indoors so I can write the page again, or I can stand outside in the cold and try to remember everything that it already took me half an hour to write.  While I figure out what I should do, I'll add the address for the term "Orange is the New Black original promotion" at the Images section of Google.  That's the picture that the title of this page is talking about: White people.  Black people.  Latino/a people.  Asian people.  People of all races and religions.  Young people.  M...

Have they taken the hidden, illegal cameras out of the locker rooms and showers of the YMCA where I and EVERYONE AROUND ME were criminally victimized by voyeurism in 2015?

Does the person who was Director of Operations at that YMCA then, who sent me an email in 2015, still work there? My phone was suddenly disabled from publishing pictures at this blog over the past few weeks, when I was writing a page about why Joe Biden shouldn't run for President.  That's why I can't publish a picture of that 2015 email from the then-Director of Operations at that YMCA.   This is a quote from the 2015 email: "I received a copy of your blog today that had my name in it where you made some awful allegations about me and this Y.  I have scaled those up to our corporate office and I am also consulting with a lawyer based on your slanderish allegations against me."   I'm sure that the conglomerate remembers ridiculing me for being criminally victimized by voyeurism at that gym.  That was after the conglomerate ridiculed me for being criminally victimized by voyeurism at homeless shelters and psychiatric units all over the Boston area, after the co...

Bill Cosby ought to be convicted.

That doesn't mean that it's not sad.   I was a child and then a teenager when The Cosby Show was on television.  Until 1987, I lived in rural Vermont, where my parents did not buy cable television and where NBC was a blur of static.  After 1987, I lived in a less isolated area, and for some reason my parents then decided to pay for regular cable.  However, that was also the year that I started high school, so I didn't spend as much time watching television as I otherwise might have.    I just published this page; the draft of it had several additional paragraphs which were not published.  This has started to happen every once in a while this year.  Are people who hack my phone erasing what I write before I can publish it? I'll try to write the rest of it again: ___________________________________ My awareness of Bill Cosby was the awareness that the rest of the public had.  I thought that he was a good person; that's what he and the people wh...

The "sit anywhere" policy at Whole Foods

I never use that policy to sit at a small table that someone is saving with a coat. I never use that policy to sit at a large table that already has other people, if there are seats anywhere in the building that would give them and me the most available privacy. I never use that policy to sit at a table that already has someone at it, without asking. I never use that policy to sit at a table, small or large, where a male person who is 20 or 30 years younger than I am is already sitting, with or without asking.  

Media manipulation?

This morning, a television news show's segment about the retrial of Bill Cosby had a short clip in which a black woman said that it would be difficult for jurors to put aside the MeToo movement. Since I saw the segment and the clip in the midst of 100 homeless women talking, I don't know what was said by the voiceover before or after the clip.  I don't know who the woman was.   What I also don't know from the clip was if she meant that jurors should or that they shouldn't put aside the MeToo movement while hearing the testimony and evidence and deliberating their decision for this trial.   My first impression about the clip was that the woman was saying that jurors should treat MeToo as if it is irrelevant to the Bill Cosby trial.  However, that might not be what she had meant to say; it might be the impression that I had from how what she said was presented by the people who edited and published that clip.  

No code.

Over the past few months, I have started sometimes cringing when men look at me.

I don't do it all the time, and I'm not trying to do it.  A male person can glance over at me and I'll cringe as if he has hit me or is going to hit me.   I never thought that what has happened to me could happen to anyone; it is unconscionable.  I never thought that I'd live a horrifically abused life.  

Save the elephants.

Save the environment. Save the world.  

Ashley Parker's shell game

March 2, 2018: April 7, 2018: The second article, which Ms. Parker cowrote with Josh Dawsey and Philip Rucker, calls Rex Tillerson "a diminished shell, fired by presidential tweet." I wouldn't call the people described in publications featuring Ms. Parker "shells"; I think they're probably all right.   President Trump fires me a lot, particularly by Tweet, and I'm not dead yet.  Now if only I could stop people from hacking my phone and filming me in the bathroom...