It is laughable how many white people are acting as if a white person objecting to this album winning a Pulitzer is racist.
This is my fifth year of homelessness in the Boston area.
There are black people and white people at every homeless shelter.
There are also black people and white people working at every homeless shelter.
A black person or a white person who talks for several minutes the way that Kendrick Lamar raps for his album will be asked to stop swearing. If he or she doesn't, he or she will be asked to leave the shelter. Black or white staff will tell black or white homeless guests not to be obscene; that's true now, and it was true even in 2011 and during the years when coughing harassment of me and others in shelters was at its worst.
It's not a low opinion of black people from me that is prompting my criticism of the album being given a Pulitzer; a low opinion of black people by the Pulitzer committee was what won the album that award.
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