Who says Batman can't multi-task?


What actor, these days, doesn't do some humanitarian publicity stunts while filming movies promoting voyeurism and involuntary pornography?  


You mean the tattoo wasn't fake?  That was another lie?

I was reading the Harry Potter "Order of the Phoenix" book before he had that tattoo plastered onto his delusional, adulterous, lying body.  That's why his wife and his ex-girlfriend hated it, although Jennifer Lopez was a lot more jealous of me before people started making fun of him.  Around the time when he was winning awards for Argo, I don't know if she could sleep at night, she was so consumed by jealousy.  

Jennifer Garner is the sort of passive-aggressive, nicey-nice, evil woman about whom I always thought, when I was young, that there was something wrong with me for not being able to be like, and which I realized many years ago is no less vicious than anyone else, for all of her cutesiness about blaming and slut-shaming someone who refused to sleep with her husband while other women didn't.  

What is she saying?  That no matter how hard she tries, she can't open her legs as wide as I can naturally?  Isn't that what she's saying, while her husband pays for a luxury apartment in New York for the Saturday Night Live employee who actually ruined her marriage?  

Lena Dunham wouldn't have a career if the conglomerate hadn't been able to use her name for code to call me a pig.  

I'm not the pig.  These people are the pigs.  


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