Yes, that's because their search results don't look like this.

The websites that host the hate blogs about me refuse to remove them from the Internet; I asked them several times, and they won't do it.  

Employers do one search of my name and run screaming as far away as they can.  

My search results are also how people think of ways to harass me or otherwise abuse me and then tell authorities that I'm crazy and made the entire thing up.  "Look, she says that about everyone," which I don't.  

I don't have to be living in a homeless shelter, trying not to lose my temper (which is difficult for a lot of people) while being condescended to at the welfare offices.  I could have married a stupid celebrity, but I didn't want to do that.  

People who have normal lives tend to be of these categories:

-People who haven't heard of me before and who are scared of me when they see the search results because they think I am C-R-A-Z-Y.  

-People who haven't heard of me before and who think that I'm C-R-A-Z-Y and are evilly amused when they see my search results because they want to mess with me and see if they can make me freak out and then say that I'm crazy. It's always particularly enjoyable for those people when my attempts to have their behavior stopped cause me to be fired, kicked out of school/work/housing/everything.

-People who have heard of me, who know that I'm not crazy or lying, and who are afraid of having something done to them by the people who have totally ruined my life.

-People who stalk me in their cars, whether they think I'm crazy or not.  I wouldn't really say that those people are normal; I'm categorizing them as having normal lives because they're not famous or part of the conglomerate.  


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