Social Security
Since I started trying to work in October 2017, almost every Social Security employee to whom I have spoken, at two separate offices, has treated me miserably.
They're rude. They're condescending. They don't listen to or read the information that I try to give them. Not only has almost everyone at both offices treated me as if I'm a bad person for working and for reporting my income, the first office transcribed my information inaccurately, and now I'm having to spend weeks trying to fix their mistakes, while almost everyone at the second office where I'm doing that is also rude and condescending.
Forget about anyone saying "Good for you that you're trying to work. Thank you for reporting your income. I hope you can achieve your goal of independence from welfare soon." Their customer service is so far away from that type of thought that I don't think it has even occurred to them, and nobody at all has apologized for having inaccurately transcribed the pay stubs that I had already given to Social Security, months ago.
Is this how everyone who tries to change his or her role in society is treated? Apparently, as long as I'm not trying to improve my situation, and I just keep taking the money that the government doles out to me, without trying to make the transition to independent life, nobody at a Social Security office is going to verbally attack me, treat me as if I'm stupid and a liar, or imply by his or her tone that I'm swindling the U.S. Government.
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