While Cynthia Nixon and her celebrity friends are chanting about bringing down the privileged, wealthy, male patriarchy, will they have a lot of public discussions about Sarah Jessica Parker's husband having killed two people in 1987, for which he was fined less than $200 and had no criminal consequences?

It's good that I made a copy of this page.  All of it was erased when I tried to publish it.  I have had to add the copy and publish it again.   


Apparently, he did a television interview, years ago, in which he said that he felt bad about it.  

That's more than anyone who has participated in the conglomerate's 8 years of the promotion of human rights abuses has done; maybe that's why Ms. Parker felt that my having mentioned those deaths a few years ago, in the middle of the conglomerate's neverending rumormongering about me, rumormongering which the conglomerate has used to excuse its criminal abuses of me and EVERYONE AROUND ME, was unfair.  

Sarah Jessica Parker, cover of Harper's Bazaar, October, 2015:

Didn't the dress that Ms. Parker wore for that picture have horizontal, black and white stripes?  Prison stripes; for me, not for her, not for her husband, not for her friends.  


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