This picture was a joke about me, wasn't it?

This is another page from which what I wrote vanished from the page when I tried to publish it.  

I have to write it all again.  I am outside, in the cold.  I can pay more money, to buy something and be indoors so I can write the page again, or I can stand outside in the cold and try to remember everything that it already took me half an hour to write. 

While I figure out what I should do, I'll add the address for the term "Orange is the New Black original promotion" at the Images section of Google.  That's the picture that the title of this page is talking about:

White people.  Black people.  Latino/a people.  Asian people.  People of all races and religions.  Young people.  Middle-aged people.  The elderly.  Alcoholics and drug addicts in the throes of their addictions, as if falling asleep into their food, vomiting in and out of toilets, missing toilets, slurring their speech, sleeping on mats on the floor of the shelter's lobby before bedtime, where everyone can see them and has to walk around them, weren't humiliating enough.  In the context of homelessness, it is a kindness when a shelter puts those mats on the floor for guests; some shelters don't take in intoxicated guests.  People who are physically ill.  People who are mentally ill; really mentally ill, people who are not able to function in any context, who do not have the ability even to think of a plan to buy a gun, let alone buy and use a gun, and who AREN'T DANGEROUS.  People who are trying to recover from major surgery.  People who have terminal illnesses.  People who have canes, walkers, and wheelchairs.  People of every sexual orientation.  People who are transgendered.  People who don't have criminal records.  People who do.  Victims of domestic violence.  Victims of rape.  Victims of childhood sexual abuse.  People who have tried to kill themselves.  People who are trying not to kill themselves, even though that's all they think about every day of their homeless lives.  

The conglomerate's promotion of voyeurism and involuntary pornography has criminally victimized all of those people.  The conglomerate has never stopped ridiculing me for its crimes, has never stopped victim-blaming me, has never acknowledged that it has directly victimized hundreds, if not thousands, of people, has never stopped treating me as if I am the willing and only star of the sadistic, unofficial show of Illegally Film Lena.   


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