Suicide or showering?

What would you do?  

My other option is to try to tell the police and have them tell me that I'm crazy, or have them fail to locate the cameras, the way that the police from the police department THAT IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MIT did.  

If the police department, not the MIT police department but the police department for the city of Cambridge, right in the middle of the world's most famous INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, did not find the hidden, illegal cameras in my last apartment, then how miserably is law enforcement in the rest of the United States failing to prevent, stop and prosecute this crime?  

If I tell the Boston police, and they don't locate the cameras where I think they are now, I'll be told to leave all of the facilities where the voyeurism and involuntary pornography are happening again.  I won't have those resources, which I need, because I AM HOMELESS.

Day after day and week after week, people who know that this is happening say nothing, other than to blame me for a crime which they caused and which they can stop by TELLING THE TRUTH.   


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