It's shameful that a Pulitzer Prize was given to the album "Damn."

Misogyny.  Violence.  Moneylust.  Excessive profanity.  

It is an award that was motivated by racism; the racism that says this is the best that black people can do, that this is not only an acceptable version of black adulthood, but an admirable version of black adulthood.

Unquestionably, thousands, even millions, of young people will be impressed by the award.  They will model their social perceptions from the album that won it; those who have musical ambition will copy it.

The award is also an unconscionable setback for the music industry, which is lagging for representation in the MeToo movement.  The award reinforces the status quo of male dominance over women.  Every man from the music industry who was even thinking about whether or not to respect the MeToo movement will cast that thought aside; every woman who was trying to support the movement will be frightened, and every woman who either hasn't cared, has stupidly defended the industry's laughable parody of feminism, or who has been falsely recognized by the mainstream media as a symbol of female empowerment will promote the album at her social media as a sign of what she really thinks is social progress.  

Awarding this album was a horribly destructive decision that will have terrible repercussions.  


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