
Showing posts from May, 2018

I wish that a few Tweets were the extent of the conglomerate's bullying of me about my appearance.

The conglomerate has bullied me about my body every day since 2010. Whether the conglomerate is trying to excuse itself for criminally victimizing me by saying that I'm so beautiful that there's nothing wrong with violating my right to privacy and exposing me to the world, accusing me of liking that exposure despite my years of protest and even despite the conglomerate's having seen my many suicidal gestures about it, or calling me old and ugly, which the conglomerate has done since I was 36 years old, there seems to be no endpoint to the conglomerate's monotonous, misogynist commentary about my body. That's not even to mention the conglomerate's speculation about the rancidness of my vagina, speculation which the conglomerate has used to attack women's rights everywhere for 8 years.

If I and EVERYONE AROUND ME are being criminally victimized by voyeurism again, then people who know that the crime is being perpetrated have the moral obligation to tell the police and to put a stop to it.

Image ___________________________________ Hopefully, the Boston Police Department has, or will obtain, the technology to conduct a real investigation which, shockingly, the Cambridge Police Department, in the midst of the MOST FAMOUS AND PRESTIGIOUS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD, didn't have when I asked that police department to search my last apartment for the hidden, illegal cameras that the conglomerate KNEW WERE THERE. As I have said before, the Cambridge Police Department's failure to find the cameras in my last apartment was the death sentence for my tenancy, because I had no solid proof that my accusations of voyeurism were true.  My accusations of voyeurism were characterized as false, were characterized as  harassment perpetrated by me against the property management,  in the eviction case that was brought against me for objecting to the cameras.    December 22, 2016: I answered ...

No code.

Meanwhile, celebrities who sleep with everything that moves make all of their conquests sign nondisclosure agreements.

How many of the celebrities who spend all day thinking of jokes about my pubic hair, which they have only seen because of the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me, filmed in HOMELESS SHELTERS, PSYCHIATRIC UNITS, GYMS, AND EVERYWHERE ELSE THAT THE CONGLOMERATE'S CRIME PROMOTION HAS PROVOKED CORRUPTION, have made multiple people sign nondisclosure agreements, to prevent those people from publicizing exactly that genre of detail and harming their careers?  


I have never consented to having that type of picture taken of me; never in my life.  THERE WERE NO NUDE OR OTHER INTIMATE IMAGES OF ME FROM MY PAST OR ANYWHERE ELSE BEFORE I STARTED TO BE SICKENINGLY VICTIMIZED BY THIS CRIME!  If there were, anyone from my past who had anything like that of me would have passed it around immediately upon hearing that famous people were discussing me, the way that even people who had one conversation with me 10 or 20 years ago embellished and passed those conversations around so that the conglomerate could use the lies to add to the ruin that the conglomerate has inflicted on my life for 8 years.   THERE WAS NOTHING THAT COULD POSSIBLY HAVE CAUSED ANYONE TO THINK THAT I'M AN EXHIBITIONIST BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION! I WAS A VIRGIN UNTIL I WAS 27!   Has the Vatican asked Katy Perry when she lost her virginity? I HAVEN'T HAD SEX SINCE I WAS 29!  I'LL BE 44 IN A FEW WEEKS! Has the Vatican asked Katy Perry when the last time ...

Pope Francis

Katy Perry is one of the many people from her industry who has slut-shamed me and promoted sexual crime to be committed against me. Have you asked her to explain why she thinks she has the right to treat me the way that she has? For this woman, the Catholic Church sued elderly nuns, one of whom died from the stress?  

If I and EVERYONE AROUND ME are being criminally victimized by voyeurism again, then people who know that the crime is being perpetrated have the moral obligation to tell the police and to put a stop to it.

Image ___________________________________ Hopefully, the Boston Police Department has, or will obtain, the technology to conduct a real investigation which, shockingly, the Cambridge Police Department, in the midst of the MOST FAMOUS AND PRESTIGIOUS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD, didn't have when I asked that police department to search my last apartment for the hidden, illegal cameras that the conglomerate KNEW WERE THERE. As I have said before, the Cambridge Police Department's failure to find the cameras in my last apartment was the death sentence for my tenancy, because I had no solid proof that my accusations of voyeurism were true.  My accusations of voyeurism were characterized as false, were characterized as  harassment perpetrated by me against the property management,  in the eviction case that was brought against me for objecting to the cameras.    December 22, 2016: I answered by saying that the accusations were true and tha...

No code.

There's no excuse for spying on someone in the bathroom or in other places where he or she has the reasonable expectation of privacy.

To do that is a crime and it's a human rights violation.  What you think of the person who is being victimized is irrelevant.   People's rights are not supposed to be contingent upon whether or not people who have the power to violate them like them or not.  That's the definition of a human right.   I've been evicted from two apartments in a row for objecting to being criminally victimized by voyeurism.  All I had to do to avoid those evictions was not to object to that criminal victimization.  My efforts to have my rights respected ought to be enough proof for anyone that I'm not asking for this.   Also, how can people continue to act as if I'm the only person being filmed in the sickening repetition of this crime, when they are watching the crime occur in places where there are other people who are also being victimized, totally unsuspecting people whom the voyeurs can't even pretend are asking for it?   What's even more disgusting about the voy...

This is the profile picture of someone who wrote a message yesterday to one of my past YouTube blogs, "Lena Kochman Boston."

Voyeurism and nonconsensual pornography are crimes that only worsen for their victims over time, as more people participate in the violation of those victims by viewing them in their involuntary exposure.   I don't know whose picture it is.  I don't know if it's the picture of the person who has the YouTube channel from which the message was written or if it's a picture that was surreptitiously and illegally taken in a men's room.   What I do know is that the worst of the online abuse to which I'll be subjected hasn't even started yet.  When a lot of people know that I'm not Crazy Internet Lady and that there really are hours of video filmed of me in showers and restrooms, I will be treated even more obscenely than I already have been by thousands of people who have written to my blogs online.  I will also be in danger of being raped; that danger will never go away for the rest of my life.   The conglomerate has spent 7 years treating me as if I deserve ...

Starbucks and contemporary artists

Why doesn't Starbucks solicit designs for its cups, lids and sleeves from contemporary "minority" artists?   Some of the profits can be given for developing arts and business programs in the country's poorest public schools.   Children and teenagers K-12 should have classes that help them to create and appreciate art and to be good money managers.  

Why isn't the media consistently portraying Latin America as the major investment opportunity that it is?

Other countries, and businesses from other countries, are investing in that opportunity and are going to be controlling factors in Latin America's future economy.  Why is the U.S. media only thinking from the "Poor Little Latin America" perspective?   Everywhere in the world, there are problems.  The optimal deterrents to those problems are economic and political health.  

Continuing education at Starbucks

Why doesn't Starbucks send out weekly texts/emails to its employees, with this format: -Scenario -Starbucks policy that pertains to that scenario -Starbucks' preferred way for staff to address that scenario -Request for voluntary suggestions from employees about how they would address the scenario, about things that have taken place while they have worked at Starbucks, about their questions and concerns.  Starbucks could even have contests for creative problem-solving, as long as scenarios weren't identifying of customers or staff.   The entire thing should be readable in 5 minutes.   I would also start talking to those of the Starbucks marketing department who majored in subjects such as English, Art History and Multicultural Studies.  The subject of those discussions could be about designs for Starbucks cups that acknowledge Starbucks' embarrassment and that also do things such as quote authors, reprint images, talk about the countries with which Starbucks conducts...

If I and EVERYONE AROUND ME are being criminally victimized by voyeurism again, then everyone who knows that this crime is being perpetrated has the moral obligation to tell the police and to put a stop to it.

Image ___________________________________ Hopefully, the Boston Police Department has, or will obtain, the technology to conduct a real investigation which, shockingly, the Cambridge Police Department, in the midst of the MOST FAMOUS AND PRESTIGIOUS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD, didn't have when I asked that police department to search my last apartment for the hidden, illegal cameras that the conglomerate KNEW WERE THERE. As I have said before, the Cambridge Police Department's failure to find the cameras in my last apartment was the death sentence for my tenancy, because I had no solid proof that my accusations of voyeurism were true.  My accusations of voyeurism were characterized as false, were characterized as  harassment perpetrated by me against the property management,  in the eviction case that was brought against me for objecting to the cameras.    December 22, 2016: I answered by saying that the accusations were true and tha...

No code.

The federal government should stay out of my squabbles with celebrities.

How do I write this page? I'll write it while I'm thinking about the issues. President Trump should stay out of my squabbles with celebrities.  The entertainment industry has attacked him since he was elected, and I did not take the entertainment industry's side.   As a group, celebrities are influential, both at their own social media and in flattering portrayals of them by some of the more corrupt of the professional media.  In some ways they are also powerful because they have a lot of money and some corporate connections.  However, there are few people who are as individually powerful as the President of the United States.  My online interactions with President Trump, although we have had and will probably continue to have our differences, have frequently been friendly and even could be sometimes described as banter.  Since it's been my decision to interact also with celebrities, whom I know to be mostly silly, unkind, uneducated, irresponsible people w...

The U.S. Government was given warning after warning about September 11th.

Those attacks were not inevitable.  The U.S. Government could have prevented them.   About the rest of it, I have no idea, but is the New York Times really talking about "conspiracy theories"? Many institutions do not deserve the public trust.  They have betrayed that trust, and they should be attempting to restore it, rather than blaming everyone other than themselves for the inaccuracy of their assumption that the public is stupid.  That's true, regardless of every other fact and every other truth.  

Only 17 states checked if people who live or work at child care locations were sex offenders, as of 2013?

No, this isn't the title of an Onion article.  It is a real article from 2013: ___________________________________ _____________

This 2014 Boston Globe article has a 4:1 ratio of people negating or criticizing Ms. Bump's audit to those defending it.

2014: Auditor Bump has spent all 7 years of the conglomerate's attacks on human rights trying to protect minors, while two governors and two administrations in a row have given her no support or have publicly attacked her for her work.  

So, is Governor Baker going to fire the first female Massachusetts State Auditor?

2017: ___________ ___________

Speaking of why former Governor Deval Patrick should NEVER run for President


The President of No Accountability

Image The ACLU report isn't what's being highlighted all over the Internet or in irate celebrity Tweets.   Immigration is a difficult issue, which nobody who attacks President Trump nonstop seems to know or want to admit.  He didn't create the immigration problem.  If anyone before him had known how to solve it, it wouldn't still be a problem.   ___________________________________ I  heard about the idea of separating children from their parents at the border soon after President Trump was elected. It did make me wince.   It does have a logical basis, which, if I'm guessing, is this: -parents who are at the border to give their children a better life by bringing them to the United States are having that motivation acknowledged -parents who are at the border because they're doing or did something wrong might not be capable of being good parents at t...

Can the DACA people and those who are eligible for DACA be given dual citizenship for the United States and their countries of origin?

Selena Gomez's ongoing aggression toward me is totally unwarranted, and it seems as if she's not going to stop until someone makes her stop.

I would appreciate it if law enforcement in every state and country would meticulously look for every possible way to arrest those who are promoting crime.

If you have to investigate the finances of these people, please do; audit them and send them to jail for tax evasion. If you can arrest them for driving while intoxicated, please do. Please do whatever you can think of to discourage these vicious, selfish people from torturing me, from promoting crime and from causing the victimization of thousands of additional, innocent people from the terrible example that their crime promotion is setting.   ___________________________________ Lest anyone think that I am in a catfight with Selena Gomez, these are pictures of some of the pages that I have previously published about Justin Bieber at this blog: ________ ________

How do you stop a mob of spoiled, rich people who have had the tacit and even explicit support of authorities to bully their victims to death?

This wealthy woman does not know how to LEAVE ME ALONE!

This is yet another music video from Selena Gomez that is promoting crime.

Bullied for being poor

The conglomerate has spent every day for years thinking about how to cause me as much emotional distress as possible for its amusement.

___________ _________ ____________ ___________________________________ All of the above are from a page about revenge pornography, including pornography that was initially recorded with the consent of the person in the recordings. That means that all of the conglomerate's DISGUSTING ACCUSATIONS that I wanted to be criminally violated by voyeurism, in addition to being false in their portrayal of my feelings, also are no defense against CRIMINAL PROSECUTION for distributing those recordings or even for causing them to be distributed.