The President of No Accountability
The ACLU report isn't what's being highlighted all over the Internet or in irate celebrity Tweets.
Immigration is a difficult issue, which nobody who attacks President Trump nonstop seems to know or want to admit.
He didn't create the immigration problem. If anyone before him had known how to solve it, it wouldn't still be a problem.
I heard about the idea of separating children from their parents at the border soon after President Trump was elected. It did make me wince.
It does have a logical basis, which, if I'm guessing, is this:
-parents who are at the border to give their children a better life by bringing them to the United States are having that motivation acknowledged
-parents who are at the border because they're doing or did something wrong might not be capable of being good parents at the time that they are apprehended
-parents who haven't traveled to the border, and who are thinking about it, might hear about the policy and decide that they don't want to risk losing their children
All of that being said, I can't help wincing, particularly since it seems that the children who have been separated from their parents are not uniformly being cared for.
This is the next paragraph in the ABC article about the ACLU report:
The article doesn't say if the section of the ACLU's report being discussed in that paragraph is criticizing what took place during the Obama administration, the Trump administration or both. Why doesn't the article say that?
It's no secret to me, as I am about to start my 6th year of homelessness since 2011, that a lot of children and teenagers are abused in foster care. You don't have to be born in another country and taken from your own parents at the border to be abused in foster care; the foster care system is dysfunctional all over the country, and it's been dysfunctional for as long as anyone can remember. It's definitely been dysfunctional enough to have traumatized a lot of the adults with whom I live when they were children and teenagers.
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