The federal government should stay out of my squabbles with celebrities.
How do I write this page?
I'll write it while I'm thinking about the issues.
President Trump should stay out of my squabbles with celebrities. The entertainment industry has attacked him since he was elected, and I did not take the entertainment industry's side.
As a group, celebrities are influential, both at their own social media and in flattering portrayals of them by some of the more corrupt of the professional media. In some ways they are also powerful because they have a lot of money and some corporate connections. However, there are few people who are as individually powerful as the President of the United States. My online interactions with President Trump, although we have had and will probably continue to have our differences, have frequently been friendly and even could be sometimes described as banter. Since it's been my decision to interact also with celebrities, whom I know to be mostly silly, unkind, uneducated, irresponsible people who have inflated opinions about themselves and who are more prone than not to being ignorantly destructive according to their whims and their collective bullying tendencies, the federal government should not have the burden of rescuing me from my bad decisions. I do not want to be guilty of cronyism. I do not interact with government people so that I can be powerful, nor do I want to turn into someone who has that motivation consciously or unconsciously. I hope that I am helpful, and I live with the fear that I am not, but there are few things that I wouldn't give if I could change my past so that no famous person or important organization had ever heard of me. I don't want to know how I could be more unhappy with the direction that my life has taken since I started to gain the attention of prominent people in every sector, years ago. There is never a day when I don't wish that I were never born.
The federal government could alleviate and prevent a lot of unnecessary and sadistically inflicted pain for the public if the government were to pass and enforce laws about cyberharassment, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, voyeurism and nonconsensual pornography. Every country in the world is being affected by these epidemics. I am far from being the only person who is living in emotional agony all the time, while technology that is used to cause harm outpaces laws, investigative practices and both civil and criminal court systems.
As for celebrities who are promoting crime; the conglomerate has negatively influenced them. Some of them were chauvinists and criminals before the conglomerate formed in 2010. Some of them were young in 2010, and so have spent a significant part of their lives being indoctrinated into the conglomerate's sexually abusive, perverted and elitist fascism. Most unfortunately, the conglomerate, after years of ridiculing me and even threatening me with death for my feminist ideals, has twisted the MeToo movement to portray me as not being a good enough feminist. The purported spuriousness of my feminist statements is the conglomerate's latest excuse for why nobody is morally or legally obligated to stop criminal voyeurism and subsequent nonconsensual pornography from being inflicted yet again on me and EVERY UNSUSPECTING PERSON AROUND ME. I know that, if I were to report my concerns to the police, the police would not believe me or help me, and there would be repercussions for me. I am thus also a betrayer, of everyone around me, by my silence. That is what the conglomerate's years of relentlessly vicious and hateful attacks on human rights have finally forced me to be; untrustworthy to people who trust me, who even like me, who would never think of me as being someone who would allow them to be hurt. I don't tell them, because I don't think that they would believe me, either, and also because they, like me, have few to no options. That is at least true if there is voyeurism in shelters. If the voyeurism is occurring additionally in places other than shelters, not all of those people are helpless, but I don't think they would believe me.
Eventually, people have to consider the influences in their lives and decide who they want to be. While I understand why so many young celebrities have turned into such horrible people, a lot of people who are younger than they are know right from wrong in ways that these wretchedly spoiled, grandiose bullies don't.
For local and state police departments to encourage, as much as possible, sobriety while driving for celebrities and others from the entertainment industry, and for local and state governments to ensure that celebrities and others from that industry who own residences or who have business interests are familiar with the laws about property taxes and everything else having to do with their possessions and investments; I am sure that the entire entertainment industry will be grateful to be supported in its quest to provide role models for the world.
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