"Weinstein was far nicer (than Rose McGowan)," says the article.

I'm sure that I have read this article before; it's the Diva article, published in some form about every woman who objects to being abused.

How should I talk about this article?  

Should I talk about women being told to smile by strangers, which isn't said to men?

Should I talk about men being called decisive and strong for behavior for which women are called aggressive, intimidating, and worse?  

Should I talk about how it feels to be gossiped about so viciously that you feel that you will never be able to trust another human soul for the rest of your life, and that this feeling can make the target of that relentless gossip feel guarded in situations where the gossipers and their minions feel safe?  

Should I ask the author of the Daily Mail article what his definition of "nice" is?



Unsmiling Cosby accusers:

Despite that article and everything that was said then, prosecutors COULD NOT obtain a conviction until after MeToo gained prominence in 2017.  

35 women; that number didn't include the women who have never told anyone or who were afraid to have their stories publicized.  


How many women, collectively, does the entertainment industry think have the worth of one man?  



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