There are thousands of victims of voyeurism and involuntary pornography, all over the world.
It's not surprising the situation isn't being addressed, since most of the media doesn't report about it other than to promote these crimes in code.
There are websites that are devoted to voyeurism, and also to "revenge pornography," for which the appropriate term is "involuntary pornography," since nobody could deserve this abuse. The victims are harassed and stalked online and in person, at risk of sexual assault for the rest of their lives. They lose their jobs and relationships. They have emotional and psychological problems; many have killed themselves.
Instructional videos about how to install hidden, illegal cameras in bathrooms, showers, and everywhere else that a pervert can think of are also all over the Internet.
The conglomerate has done everything that it can to normalize these crimes.
The conglomerate's promotion of my being targeted for these crimes has caused hundreds of people to be victimized in Vermont and Massachusetts. So far, the only person punished for these crimes is their target; me.
I don't choose the address of videos that are published at YouTube.
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