Has this woman heard of the MeToo movement?

What does she think is propelling the movement other than shock and horror at how bad Hollywood is?  

No, the ADULT public didn't know.  The entertainment industry is also so self-absorbed, so sure of its own superiority and omniscience, has cultivated its exclusive division from normal people for so many decades, that the industry didn't know the extent of the industry's corruption when gauged even by the imperfect standards of the rest of the civilized world.  

Also; "One of the lessons of her story is that being desired is no substitute for being powerful."  Although that sentence is at the end of a paragraph about the life of young actresses, and not specifically about Ms. McGowan being sexually assaulted, and although that particular sentence is also against everything that Hollywood tells young women to think, it's not really how you ought to end an article about a woman whose career was sabotaged by the powerful man who assaulted her and who hired professional, mercenary spies to stalk and intimidate her so that she wouldn't talk about it.  How men who rape women feel about those women ought to be treated as if it is irrelevant; women don't want to be raped.  Rape is not about being desired versus being powerful; it's about being forced to be powerless so that the rapist can feel powerful.  

People who steal are not advised to defend themselves in court by saying that they thought their victims wanted them to take the money, that the victims only later regretted having their purses ripped off their persons because of the damage to their reputations. People who kill are not advised to say that everyone wants to kill, so what's the problem?  

Probably it could also be said that the last sentence of that article is yet another reiteration of the idea that women who have control over their own lives are not attractive; in that sense it's not much of a feminist call to anyone.  To say that it's not as sickeningly, debilitatingly misogynist as the Hollywood doctrine that minces young girls is not to say that it doesn't inaccurately offer only two choices for female life; Bleak and Bleaker.  


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