Buried alive
There's also the question of how people who are jailed for sexual assault were convicted in the first place, for a fraction of the offenses committed by many of the rich and powerful people whose abuses span decades. It was actually that question, specifically for men of color, that prompted me to consider whether someone is interviewing jailed men of color about what they think of the Weinstein Effect.
I'm not saying that sexual assault shouldn't be punished; that is exactly what I'm not saying. Nobody deserves to be sexually assaulted. Nobody has the right to be a rapist.
I tend to dispute the idea that sexual assault isn't about sex. I think that sexual assault is sex being weaponized. To say that it's not about sex is to avoid talking about rape being a crime that the criminal uses to invade the victim's concept of who he or she is.
Should I be specific about my situation, although I'm not in jail?
"You smart mouth bitch; we'll see if you stop talking when we've had a hidden camera in your bathroom."
I think that's an accurate paraphrase of everything the conglomerate says about me every day.
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