I spent most of last night having my sleep disturbed by people around me.
There was the woman in the bunk bed below me, who seems to be actually mentally ill and who I'm sure would not be mentally capable of buying a gun. She woke me up two or three times by yelling.
The woman in the bottom bunk of the bed next to ours recently returned to this shelter. She was homeless when I was homeless from 2014-2016, after I was evicted from the first apartment where I was criminally victimized by voyeurism and retaliated against for asking that the hidden, illegal cameras be removed. Homeless people aren't harassing me by coughing during this, my fifth year of homelessness since 2011. Either they have forgotten or they weren't around then and they don't know about it. That woman doesn't know that this social evolution has occurred though, so she's been harassing me.
Two women in the cubicle across from my bed started talking at 4:45 a.m. When I asked them to be quiet, they weren't. When I asked a staffperson to talk to them, they lied to the staffperson, telling her that I was snoring and yelling all night, and that one of them had lost a pair of earrings and they needed to look for them. When the staffperson walked away, they laughed, took out a flashlight and started shining the flashlight in my eyes. Finally, they were told to stop.
All of the people who prevented me from sleeping last night are less to blame for their behavior than the people who watched me in the second apartment in a row where I was victimized by voyeurism and who laughed viciously at all of my requests for corroboration of the truth. Most homeless people have had bad lives from the time that they were born. There's no excuse for people who have everything to grind the life of someone who has nothing into unnecessary pain and suffering for years; it is disgusting.
If I had a vestige of doubt about whether or not I were to blame about the hatefulness directed at me since 2010, that vestige was obliterated by what happened at my last apartment, the second apartment in a row where I was criminally victimized by voyeurism and then retaliated against for asking that the hidden, illegal cameras be removed from the apartment.
How can the people who did this to me think that they're right?
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