This is what happens when you don't have your own place to live, you have to take some of your things to your storage unit, your period starts suddenly, and you have to spend some of the last few dollars that you have FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH to buy something so that you can use a restroom which, unfortunately, has someone in it for several minutes:
The blood went right through my underwear, my long underwear, and a clean pair of pants. There's a winter storm warning today.
I don't have the money to do laundry this month.
Are you happy now? That's a closeup shot of me in the bathroom; CONGRATUFUCKULATIONS!
Since I don't have the money to do laundry again this month, I probably won't be able to wash the stains from those clothes, so those are a pair of underwear, a pair of long underwear, and a pair of pants that are ruined; more casualties of 8 years of the conglomerate's jokes about women and human rights.
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