Showing posts from February, 2018
You can rape and kill as many women and girls as you want, as long as you don't run red lights where a cop can see you.
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"nothing definitively linking him to the crimes," just "masks, handcuffs, rope and other nefarious items"
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The President should cooperate with this investigation.
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- Other Apps No investigation lasts forever; the repercussions of avoiding it would be worse than getting it over with. It's better to be investigated by an intelligent person, who has to take responsibility for everything that he says and does, than hounded to death by the media.
What an awful thing for CNN to say about the President.
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Who knew that rejecting Hollywood's Glass Ceiling Slipper was so dangerous?
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You know me; I have so much trouble "understanding" and "communicating."
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_____________ Those are pictures of some of the pages of the report written for Mass Rehab in 2016 about my work capabilities. This is the page where I wrote about that at my last blog: There was literally nothing about my interaction with the agency that gave that report to Mass Rehab that caused the agency to think I needed a personal supervisor at work other than my honesty about the Internet search results for "Lena Kochman" and my honesty about being harassed at school. I never said that I need "a boss who will understand (my) disability." What I said was that I needed an advocate who would prevent my being harassed at work. ___________________________________ That 1370 I had for my SATs in high school (750 Verbal, 620 Math) didn't help me to "understand" or "communicate" with most hospital staff, therapists or psychiatrists during my subsequent years ...
Until I was hospitalized at 17, I had never felt that I was worse than nobody if I didn't have a boyfriend to make people think I was normal.
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A new fan, writing to one of my old blogs, "Lena Kochman Boston"
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I can say unequivocally that "mental illness" is not the problem; guns are the problem.
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At the Social Security office this week
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"Since I keep being fired for supposedly being crazy, is there anyone who can advocate for me so that stops happening?" "Not here." "Oh. That's terribly helpful of you." "Did you say 'That's terrible'?" "No, I said 'That's very helpful.'" "You can try the state." ___________________________________ My last blog, "Woods-Mullen Shelter Is A Crime Against Humanity," which was suddenly incapacitated from publishing pictures from my phone when I was writing about the promotion of child molestation by Pennsylvania State University, and at which I subsequently had to stop writing, has several pages about my futile attempts to obtain employment through the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission during the fall of 2016. For those who weren't preoccupied with watching me in my bathroom by hacking the cameras that recorded sound and, apparently, could also record video in the dark so my turn...
I never hated black people before the Obamas.
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It wouldn't be fair for me to think of former President Obama and his wife as being representative of black people. I don't think that they are representative of black people. I think that they are representative of corrupt people who happen to be black. However, it is improbable that I will ever again give the automatic presumption of goodness to an unknown black person that MANY white people who were raised to try to be inclusive try to have available at all times and in all situations.
Passing for "sane"
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That's not an option for me; my Internet search results predispose not only my being abused, but also my not being believed about being abused. The idea is that "You make these false accusations everywhere," not "You're subjected to discrimination everywhere, and your choices are to say nothing or to speak up and be evicted from housing/suspended from school/fired from employment."
I was almost destined to be homeless at least once, as soon as I had my first psychiatric admission at 17.
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There is no investment in the intellectual capabilities or upwardly mobile potential of homeless people, either by legislatures or people who work at homeless shelters.
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There are no literacy assessments. There is no attempt to encourage homeless people to obtain academic education or to train them for anything other than service jobs; janitorial, food service, building maintenance. The excuse that is frequently used by shelter staff is "We don't have time for that," which speaks to how much most shelter staff prefer to think that homeless people have the rest of their lives to be treated as if they are either worthless or were born to be servants. If that's how you were being treated, and if you knew that was how most of the world thought of you, would you feel motivated to stop doing drugs or committing other crimes? A lot of homeless people don't do drugs or commit other crime ; not that society knows that.
Everyone should leave Mrs. Trump alone about her personal relationship with her husband.
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The prominent people who have spoken out against the abuse of minors are saving the world from the conglomerate's promotion of child molestation.
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Many of the vicious, overtly discriminatory, verbal and gestural slurs toward women that characterized the first several years of the conglomerate's attacks on human rights had started to dissipate before MeToo, probably because even some of the women who initially participated in that sexual harassment had realized that it's debilitating to their own lives. That doesn't mean that women were being respected by the conglomerate; MeToo is essential. Children don't tend to be able to advocate as if they are adults, so the conglomerate's total lies that child molestation is cute and harmless and what children want weren't being challenged; now they are.
The Academy Awards
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Will the entertainment and ads for the Academy Awards have all of the disgusting, code jokes about me that the conglomerate didn't make about Ben Affleck's rumored extramarital affair with a Saturday Night Live producer, whose name he used for a disgusting, code joke about voyeurism and involuntary pornography, despite her having a husband and a baby, and despite Mr. Affleck having a wife and young children?
How much money do the people who never stop acting as if they're my victims make for 3 days of work?
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So, Google, do you have gender and racial parity among your employees yet, or are you hoping to do some token hiring every quarter century?
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If a married, heterosexual couple were targeted for voyeurism for almost a decade, and could not stop that abuse, would the couple be expected never to have sex or sexual thoughts, to "prove" that the couple didn't deserve to be targeted?
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I can't even be part of a couple, because the conglomerate treats me as if I don't deserve privacy anywhere. Why am I treated as if I have no rights? Because I'm a single, impoverished woman? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES? "Don't worry about your rights being criminally violated; everyone wants to f--- you" ISN'T "WE'RE REALLY SORRY AND IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN."
Do you remember when it was cool to ridicule, be lewd toward and threaten gay people?
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Civil rights, such as they were, are having their death knell in China.
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The secret of Oprah Winfrey's success
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This is my hypothesis about Oprah Winfrey: She realized, decades ago, that the entertainment industry was much too sexist and racist for her to compete with men for wealth and power on the turf that they wanted. So, she went to the sidelines and cornered the market on what those men didn't want: Stuff Designated For Women. She has spent however many years that it's been playing her role as the Queen of Empathy, and now she feels that the time is right for her to reveal what it's clear to me, although perhaps not to everyone, is nothing other than megalomaniac ambition. Why didn't she speak out against the conglomerate, which never could have swept the world the way that it did without the enthusiastic support of President Obama and his evil wife? Why did she not only not speak out, but have cozy friendships with them? I'll tell you why not. Because when she endorsed Barack Obama in 2006 and 2007, what she was thinking was "First him, then me."
Why didn't you speak out against the promotion of sexual crime?
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It's because you're a lying hypocrite, Oprah Winfrey. Also, are people almost done making "light" synonymous with "good" and "dark" synonymous with "bad"? ___________________________________ Oprah Winfrey is an evil person who has evil friends, in an evil industry.
Speaking of my sad, pathetic, hypocritical and embarrassing political party:
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Harvey Weinstein; how about that for "name identification"?
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When they go low, they're just trying to reach your level, lady.
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Sarcasm Alert
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I wish that I could be a meteorologist, wearing a tight dress while slut-shaming a homeless woman, on a news show whose title should be "One Old Guy And A Bunch Of Female Models," funded by commercials showing: -black families using their teenage daughters to promote voyeurism and involuntary pornography -furniture salesmen, who are at least in their 50s if not older, ridiculing younger victims of voyeurism and involuntary pornography by calling those victims the mother from "Psycho" -car companies promoting child molestation I should be ashamed of my poverty. Why can't I be a positively contributing member of society, like all of the above? End of Sarcasm Alert
It's sad to walk past the street that has my last apartment.
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I don't think the people who have written "kys" to my blogs for years are attempting to be my friends.
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This is my 5th year of homelessness since 2011, and I'm not dead yet.
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What's the "mental illness" that has made the conglomerate act as if voyeurism isn't a crime?
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Thank you; I wish that the therapist whom I told had known or cared to know, but she didn't.
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- Other Apps After my having told her, for months, that it hurt EVERY TIME that I had sex with men whom I didn't think I should be dating but whom she told me I wanted to reject because I was "self-sabotaging," she finally said "Maybe you have an infection in your vagina." Not once could I tell her anything negative that she would not try to tell me I had to think of as if it were positive. If she said something negative about me, of course she thought that I had to think it was true. I was a virgin until I was 27, and I stopped having sex at 29; I was her client during all of that time. I haven't had sex since; I'll be 44 this summer. Despite the global slut-shaming that the conglomerate has inflicted on me for 8 years, I have never had sex that didn't hurt, except for one time that it didn't feel like anything. Duri...
All of the diagnoses and medication in the world can't counteract being inundated with the message that killing people is justified when you're really mad.
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Do the people who think that there's not enough conclusive evidence that violent entertainment causes shootings think that we need a few more shootings to be sure?
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"Shoot up your school to this playlist."
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The title of this blog page is a quote from the title of a video at YouTube. A picture of that video is at the end of this page. These pictures are of nonconsecutive sections of the results for a search of "Shoot up your school" at YouTube. YouTube is a subsidiary of Google. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________