Those advocates for rape victims; they're always lying.
All they do is lie all day, hoping to get innocent men arrested.
Sexual assault; it's almost not worth the trouble these days. You can't just discredit the victims, you have to discredit their advocates, too.
Why do they even have rape victim advocates anyway? Why doesn't "That bitch asked for it and is also lying" work as well as it used to? What the hell is America turning into?
Why don't those lying advocates go back to telling those lying sluts that they need to take some drugs and whine to the other drunk, lying sluts who asked for it in their Drunk, Lying Slut Support Groups?
Don't "You sexually assaulted me," bitch. I'll give you a misunderstanding that I won't remember for you to cry about if you keep flapping your yap like all you lying bitches do.
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