The reality is that I live in a homeless shelter, and Saturday Night Live knew that the voyeurism at BOTH OF MY LAST APARTMENTS wasn't a false accusation.

That's a picture of part of the first page of YouTube today.  I didn't edit the picture to take out the video that's advertised after the SNL clip because I felt that it exemplifies YouTube's typical classiness and empathy.  

I don't know what it takes for gangs of bullies to stop their denial; apparently, we're not there yet. 

I've never been drunk.  I've never even been tipsy.  I have had an entire drink maybe a couple of times in my life.  I don't really like alcohol.    

I'm not part of a reality television show.  I have never consented to being filmed where I live.  I confronted every property management that abused my rights by illegally filming me, and I was called a delusional liar and taken to court, and I lost because nobody who knew I was telling the truth would help me.  

A phone call, an email, a fax, a letter; one of those things, from one credible person, would have stopped my being forced into homelessness for the third time.  I've been homeless since June 1, 2017.  This is my 5th year of homelessness since 2011. 

If you think I'm ugly, stop telling the world to stalk me with cameras.  Even if you don't think I'm ugly, stop telling the world to stalk me with cameras.

Of all industries, how can it be that the entertainment industry thinks that stalking someone with cameras is funny?  They watched me tie a noose in my closet when I realized that the voyeurism was happening again, and they still don't care.  

I don't think that they'll ever care.  Eventually, they might worry that enough people will hear about what's happening that they'll think they have to act, for a while, as if they sort've care, but I don't think these people care about anything.  They're really bad and stupid; the entertainment industry is both of those things, all day, every day.  

For the entertainment industry to parody its evil stupid does not make the industry less evil or less stupid.  All that does is demonstrate another dimension, if you can call it that, of self-absorption. 

The entertainment industry is like the tobacco industry, which spent years denying that its products cause cancer.  The tobacco industry won all of the early lawsuits that were brought against it.  Even now that everyone knows that those products cause cancer, the industry has so much money that it doesn't care.  It does not have to change, and it doesn't want to change.  It will sell its diseases for as long as people will buy them.


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