The film world's attitude toward sexual assault is that it's hot.

I don't know how that could be more obvious.

The only sex that the film world doesn't think is hot is sex between mutually consenting people of adult and appropriate age when neither of them is beautiful.  Everything else is hot, as far as the film world is concerned, even if it's rape; especially then.  

The entertainment industry is obsessed with breaking taboos.  The industry does not consider whether a taboo is good or not; to consider that question is to cease to think of oneself as having no responsibility for one's actions, and that is anathema to the industry's most fiercely defended premise, which is that, although the industry is full of incredibly important people who have contributed immeasurably to the positive advancement of culture and of the species, they're all playing around and so nobody should ever be mad at them, even when they say, imply or excuse things such as this:


As far as the entertainment industry is concerned, it's everyone else who is the hypocrite.  


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