She's not a slut or a manstealer, though; I'm the only slut and manstealer IN THE WORLD, even though I was a virgin until I was 27, haven't had sex since I was 29, and am always single.

Katy Perry didn't cause the permanent break-up of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart; I did, even though I have never met any of them.  

She didn't cause his permanent break-up from FKA Twigs; that was also my fault.

I broke her up from John Mayer, whom I have never met; that was my fault.

I prevented her from dating Ryan Phillippe, the girlfriend-batterer, whom I have never met; that was also my fault.

I totally deserved for her to film this hateful and disgusting music video, promoting the voyeurism in my last apartment:

Everything is my fault.  Nothing is the fault of anyone who dislikes me; everyone who dislikes me hates me for a good reason.  


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