My fans

There were hundreds of similar messages at that YouTube blog, "Lena Kochman Boston," several weeks ago; they had built up.  I erased them and didn't publish pictures of most of them; I was too tired to think about them.  

Some of what I have documented since 2010 is inaccurate and caused by paranoia.  All of the paranoia was caused by things that were really happening.  

I haven't published at "Lena Kochman Boston" for a few years; because it has my name in the title of the blog, it's part of the first page of Google results for "Lena Kochman," which is why some of the people who have heard about me from other people write to it.  Most of the other Google results for "Lena Kochman" are hateblogs that men have published about me.  They are nearly impossible to have removed from the Internet; not only do most of the websites that host them refuse to take them down, citing the free speech of the people who publish them, their purveyors react with vicious fury to any attempt to curb the proliferation of their abuse.  Needless to say, (is anything needless to say when the conglomerate's misogynist cacophony has taken over the world), no employer who does a Google search of my name wants to hire me, no landlord who does a Google search of my name wants to rent to me, and anyone who does a Google search of my name and who wants to bully me at work, school or anywhere else knows how to do it and then pretend that I'm delusional and that he or she is afraid of me so that I am blamed and treated as if I am the perpetrator when I am the victim.  

I don't know how many people are walking or driving around the Boston area at any given time, planning to hurt me.  My being homeless makes me more vulnerable to all of them, which I said would happen before I was made homeless again.  


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