A scathing page about my own party, the Democratic Party

For Democrats to claim that the Dream Act has bipartisan support, while continuing to make "Get Trump" their rallying cry, is manipulative.

The Dream Act is another stop-gap that DOES NOT promise citizenship to DACA people or to anyone else.  While President Trump has set forth a framework that riles the most conservative of his own party, the Democrats continue to insist that he's the devil incarnate even though the Democrats want to pass the Dream Act because it promises nothing to the DACA people and therefore does not stoke the ire of those same Republican conservatives.

In other words, Democrats are willing to make the DACA people live fearfully in endless two-year renewal cycles, knowing full well that conservative Republicans will block "Dreamers" who are granted conditional resident status from sponsoring their relatives, while the Democrats are pretending that they're not sacrificing the DACA people to the Democrats' prioritization of their own ability to engage Republicans in negotiations about EVERYTHING OTHER THAN IMMIGRATION.  

I think that perhaps President Trump is not as cynical about the Democratic Party as he ought to be; he thinks the goal of thwarting him at every turn is obstruction.  I think the goal is election.  

Professional political analysts should correct this assessment if it's inaccurate.  


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