
Showing posts from November, 2017

What do you think Jesus would say about this, Mr. President?

I don't want to be famous, and I don't want to be abused.

"not a natural for the couch"

The pictures are in order of the article's pages, although most of them are not of consecutive sections. _____________ _____________ That's a picture of the last part of the first page of the article. In 2013, whatever had happened for Ms. Curry to be fired was either being treated as if it were her fault or as if it didn't matter.  For all the talk, he wasn't fired for his behavior; she was.    "Fragile."   Translation of "fragile" as it's used in this context: He's not aggressive, inappropriate and immature; she doesn't feel degraded, trapped, and disrespected despite all of her proven ability.   He's not wrong; she is "fragile."  This is the part of the pattern where the victim is called mentally unstable; "fragile." Katie Couric didn't bully her about her clothes; Ms. Curry "took" the "teasing" "badly." Speaking of Ms. C...

Buried alive

__________ There's also the question of how people who are jailed for sexual assault were convicted in the first place, for a fraction of the offenses committed by many of the rich and powerful people whose abuses span decades.  It was actually that question, specifically for men of color, that prompted me to consider whether someone is interviewing jailed men of color about what they think of the Weinstein Effect.   I'm not saying that sexual assault shouldn't be punished; that is exactly what I'm not saying.  Nobody deserves to be sexually assaulted.  Nobody has the right to be a rapist.   I tend to dispute the idea that sexual assault isn't about sex.  I think that sexual assault is sex being weaponized.  To say that it's not about sex is to avoid talking about rape being a crime that the criminal uses to invade the victim's concept of who he or she is.   Should I be speci...

Isn't it accurate to say that nobody who knows that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation has corroborated it?

I'll be homeless all winter, won't I? I'll be homeless all winter, and nothing is stopping my being targeted for this crime.   One person has had consequences for my being victimized by thousands of people, thousands of jokes, thousands of ads, thousands of everything else that the conglomerate has inflicted on me.  That's me.  

The hell you "own yours."

I'm a DEMOCRAT, and I know that "at least we own ours" is a ridiculous statement. The public knows.  A year ago, the public didn't know.  Is that what you mean by "we own ours"? This is my fifth year of homelessness since 2011 because of how much the people that you're talking about when you're saying "we own ours" are lying, misogynist hypocrites. I am also concerned about the pace and what seems to be the lack of due process; those things lead to backlash.  

Abuse of the physically disabled

I thought I had it bad because, since my first psychiatric hospitalization in 1992, people have abused me and then laughed at me and about me while telling everyone that what I said happened didn't happen.   Being homeless for years at a time since 2011, I have observed bullying, emotional and psychological abuse of homeless people who have canes, walkers and wheelchairs.  The abuse happens in the homeless shelters, and is a continuation of the discrimination and exploitation perpetuated by landlords.   Although some homeless people abuse the disabled homeless, the worst abuse is perpetuated by the staff of homeless shelters.  The qualifying requirements to be hired to work at homeless shelters are so low that blatant abuse of disabled guests occurs for weeks, months and years without intervention.   The pattern is the same; one or a few of the most vicious and dishonest staff people persecute a disabled homeless person.  Other staff either say nothing abou...

What do you think the campaign issues will be during the Syrian election?

Really, who could predict the candidates' platforms?  The needs of the Syrian people are so vague. 

Heather Nauert wouldn't be so pretty or highly paid if she had SPENT HER LIFE IN A CAGE.

Image No code.  There's no code that can describe how disgusting this is.

The marketing department at Microsoft is a menace to society.


Phi Kappa Psi's lies and UVA's history of institutional indifference

From the lawsuit of Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia ___________________________________ From Chapter 3 of Crash Into Me, by Liz Seccuro From Chapter 10 of Crash Into Me No code.  I thought I'd mention that again, for the rabid conglomerate that never stops wanting to make sexual assault legal; not that it's not already legal for the wealthy and the powerful, which it is and always was.