So it's not a new tactic for newspapers to protect the people whom they want to protect
October 28, 2017
Who knew? It's not as if this is gossip over which the media has obsessed for years, the way that the media has tortured me for saying that you can't have sex with children, you can't sexually harass people, you can't stalk people, you can't murder people, and you can't watch people in their homes, in the homeless shelters where they have to live because you have destroyed their lives, in the psychiatric units to which they occasionally flee when they want to kill themselves because you have ruined their lives, in gym locker rooms and showers, or anywhere else that you want to invade their lives while victim-blaming them for your crimes against them.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, October 28, 2017 @ 8:30 a.m.
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