Perhaps this is the wrong time for this discussion; however, I think I have the right to say it.

October 31, 2017

I would appreciate it if people wouldn't pass around my old letters or other personal communications, and if they would stop gossiping about me as much as possible.  I realize that people from my past who have since created lives that have nothing to do with me are probably beset by the curiosity of people in their present lives who have never met me.  All I can say is that you can think about how you would feel if you were in my situation.  

I particularly don't appreciate my privacy being prioritized after the financial or other gains that people can acquire from having even a tangential connection to my life.  

During all of these years of persecution by the conglomerate, I have asked nothing of people from my past.  I haven't asked them for money.  I haven't asked them for a place to live.  I haven't asked them for emotional support.  

Perhaps I should have asked that they do what they can not to add fodder to the conglomerate's rumor-mongering; it was my assumption that I did not have to ask.

Copyright L. Kochman, October 31, 2017 @ 6:35 p.m.   


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